
Countries that had recognised the independence of Moskitia

Great Britain, 1666 :  King Charles II of England received King Oldham of Moskitia at his Court and later requested him to "kindly [...] relieve such straggling Englishmen as should chance to come that way, with plantains, fish, and turtle."   Spain, November 11, 1769 : The Guatemalan Captain-General Pedro de Salazar made a formal declaration stating: "It is now very clear that to think of obligating [the Moskitians] to pay taxes, or to even raise this question with them, will completely jeopardise our friendship. The laws speak of other classes of Indians, those that have not established treaties with the nations of Europe, those that do not possess arms, and those who do not possess such skills as these [Moskitians] have in their ability to defend themselves and to eschew the domination of Spain".   Nicaragua, August 11, 1838 : Manuel Quijano y Garcia of the Nicaraguan army wrote to King Robert Charles Frederic, congratulating and saluting him "in the n

Chronological History of the Kingdom of Mosquitia

1629 The islands of Old Providence and Saint Andrew were found by Capt. Sussex Camock and Capt. Daniel Elfrith, both on different privateering ships belonging to the Earl of Warwick. 1630 4th December The Providence Island Colony was established. 1633 1st July "Instructions from the Company of Providence Island to Capt. Sussex Cammock To "set" with his company upon Cape Gratia a Dios, there to discover and maintain a trade with the natives. To preserve the true worship of God and repress sin. To leave disorderly persons at Providence, and add such numbers to his company as may be willing to go from there." Capt. Sussex Cammock appointed as Director General of Trade to Mosquitia. 1634 The son of an unamed Wita Tara was sent to London, where he lived for three years with Robert Rich  (1587–1658), the Second Earl of Warwick, chairman of the  Providence Island Company (1630–1641), while Colonel Morris remained in Mosquitia as a hostage. He later became known as King Ol