Countries that had recognised the independence of Moskitia

Great Britain, 1666King Charles II of England received King Oldham of Moskitia at his Court and later requested him to "kindly [...] relieve such straggling Englishmen as should chance to come that way, with plantains, fish, and turtle."

Spain, November 11, 1769: The Guatemalan Captain-General Pedro de Salazar made a formal declaration stating: "It is now very clear that to think of obligating [the Moskitians] to pay taxes, or to even raise this question with them, will completely jeopardise our friendship. The laws speak of other classes of Indians, those that have not established treaties with the nations of Europe, those that do not possess arms, and those who do not possess such skills as these [Moskitians] have in their ability to defend themselves and to eschew the domination of Spain".

Nicaragua, August 11, 1838: Manuel Quijano y Garcia of the Nicaraguan army wrote to King Robert Charles Frederic, congratulating and saluting him "in the name of my government, to show you the good disposition in which we are at present; and establishing a mutual correspondence to secure the sacred rights of the two governments in good faith, I offer a strict friendship and the customary respect to your nation."
Costa Rica, September 29, 1840: 'The Secretary to the Government of Costa Rica to the Secretary to the Government of Mosquito', stating that "The State of Costa Rica, which, during its dependence under the Spanish Government and also under the Federal Government of Central America, could not enter into treaties with the nations of this continent, nor with those of Europe, now wishes to celebrate them with all, but especially with the Mosquito Government, and is desirous that it should be in the most friendly manner, in order that the subjects of both nations may be allied both commercially and in the most intimate terms."
Colombia, 1841Antonio Escalano, the Colombia Commandant of occupied San Andres, wrote to King Robert Charles Frederic, inquiring if certain fugitive slaves had arrived "at Cape Gracias a Dios, appertaining to your territory," and offering to pay the expense of their return.
Honduras, December 16, 1843With the signing of the Robinson-Chavez Treaty.
United States of America, April 19, 1850With the signing of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.


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